Juno (Cavapoo) Bella (Poodle) Sally and Kai ChihuahuaMixes in Bath Tiger Lily (Persian) Maya (Yorkie) Olympia (Papillion) Escrow (Golden Doodle) Thurstson (Boston Terrier) Moose (Chihuahua Yorkie)Before Teddy(Aussie Doodle) Bella (PoodleMix) Moose (Chihuahua Yorkie)After Vinnie (Terrier Mix) Bandit(Mini Australian Shepherd) Machete Simba(Golden Doodle) Khloe (Golden Retreiver) Marlee (Labradoodle) Taylor Pomeranian(Before) Tashi (Shih Poo) Taylor Pomeranian(After) WhiskeyLhasa (Apo Mix) Kingston (PitBull) Skip (Poo Terrier)Candy Corn Ears Bentley (Labrador) Reddington(Miniature Poodle) Cookie(Tibetan TerrierShih Tzu Mix) Oreo (ShihTzu) Fantasia Leo (Pitbull) Georgia Luna and Ruby(Yorkies) Maggie and Moxie(ChiPoo and TerrierMix) « ‹ of 2 › »